Monthly Archives: September 2010

OpenEMR – Check Database

This addition to the crontab is used to verify the database integrity and then to optimize the indexes and tables.

Add the following to the /etc/crontab

30 22 * * *     root    mysqlcheck -A -e –user={YOUR OPENEMR DB USER} –password={YOUR OPENEMR DB PASSWORD}  openemr
35 22 * * *     root    mysqlcheck -A -a –user={YOUR OPENEMR DB USER} –password={YOUR OPENEMR DB PASSWORD}  openemr
40 22 * * *     root    mysqlcheck -A -o –user={YOUR OPENEMR DB USER} –password={YOUR OPENEMR DB PASSWORD} openemr

Ohio LinuxFest 2010

The eighth annual Ohio LinuxFest will be held on September 10-12, 2010 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in downtown Columbus, Ohio. Hosting authoritative speakers and a large expo, the Ohio LinuxFest welcomes all Free and Open Source Software professionals, enthusiasts, and everyone interested in learning more about Free and Open Source Software.

OHIO LinuxFest 2010