Benefits of Free/Libre Open Source Software
in Health Care (FLOSS-HC)
Special track on FLOSS-HC projects and initiatives at Med-e-Tel 2011
After the success of its first edition at Med-e-Tel 2010 (23 speakers, 1 keynote presentation, 1 panel discussion), the Free/Libre Open Source Software in Health Care (FLOSS-HC) track 2011 aims to create the leading European summit bringing together FLOSS-HC developers, service providers and users from all over the world to cross-fertilize Open technological, business and social initiatives to shape the future of open health care systems.
Co-organized by the European Federation for Medical Informatics Free/Libre Open Source Working Group (EFMI LIFOSS WG), the International Medical Informatics Association Open Source Working Group (IMIA OS WG) and the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH), it offers a new platform for collaboration establishment, experience exchange and a unique opportunity to foster prospective thinking towards open, collaboratively developed systems in health care.